Skin and Scar Camouflage

Skin or scar camouflage involves using ink that matches the client’s natural melanin to disguise a scar or skin imperfection, restoring a more natural appearance. Scar camouflage helps improve the appearance of scars caused by infections, burns, surgeries, or injuries. The technique can also camouflage skin abnormalities such as vitiligo and hypo-pigmentation, making these areas less noticeable.

How Does Scar Camouflage Work?

The scar camouflage process begins with measurements of the affected area and photographs of the scar in order for us to work on a custom pigment blend.

Small areas may be tested to determine which color best matches and will deliver optimal results (this is what we term a “patch test”).

During the follow-up sessions, we will use a tattooing technique to deposit colored pigment into the upper reticular area of the client’s dermis. The pigment will be deposited into the scar until it’s reached the desired color and gradient shading. There is usually some swelling and redness immediately following the procedure. How long the swelling and redness last depends on how much pigment was applied, and what part of the body it was applied to. The color always looks stronger and more vibrant right after the procedure than it does in the long run. It takes the skin a few days to exfoliate for the pigment to lighten and become the intended shade.

Scar camouflage may take several visits to complete and requires more patience than other treatments.

Clients should be aware that treatments are most effective in areas not exposed to sunlight on a regular basis. The skin surrounding the treated area will change color from UV exposure, but the tattooed skin will not change with it.

Am I a Good Candidate for Scar Camouflage?

The Scar is Fully Healed

For a scar to qualify for this procedure, it should be at least 9 to 12 months old. It should also be a stable color, because if it’s changing color or still pink then it’s probably not fully healed. The technician will not work prematurely on the scar tissue because it could cause more skin damage.

The Scar Should be Smooth & Flat

Scar camouflaging can only effectively camouflage scars that are smooth and flat in texture. If your scar or skin area is raised or bumpy, you may not qualify for the procedure. During the first appointment, we will determine whether the client is a good candidate or not. Clients may be advised to talk to their doctor or a dermatologist to see if there’s any way to improve the skin texture before this procedure.

You Don’t Have Any of the Following Issues

If you have certain skin conditions, you may not be qualified for this procedure. Here are some issues that may disqualify you for it:
  • Keloids
  • Scars with raised edges
  • Unstable vitiligo

There are other procedures that are better for addressing these issues than scar camouflaging.